Compliance with FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards

Overview of Compliance Requirements

The reporting widget supports compliance with the FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS), particularly in areas related to complaint logging and data analysis.

Specific Compliance Sections

1. Standard 5, Section 1d - Automated Complaint Logging

Integration of Reporting Forms: This standard requires that "The program maintains logs or databases for all complaints or referral reports from other sources alleging food-related illness, food-related injury, or intentional food contamination. The final disposition for each complaint is recorded in the log or database and is filed in or linked to the establishment record for retrieval purposes."

  • Compliance: By integrating our reporting forms, we ensure automatic logging and comprehensive upkeep of all food-related illness complaints, injuries, or allegations of intentional contamination. Each log entry is linked to specific establishment records, ensuring quick retrieval and review.

2. Standard 5, Section 1f - Timely Disposition and Follow-up

Automated Alerts and Follow-up Procedures: This standard requires that "Program procedures require disposition, action or follow-up on each complaint or referral report alleging food-related illness or injury within 24 hours."

  • Compliance: Our platform generates automated email alerts for new complaints. We also have a direct messaging feature that ensures each consumer reporting food-related illness is contacted within 24 hours. We document actions taken and outcomes, ensuring all follow-up procedures are logged and accessible for review.

3. Standard 5, Section 7a and 7b - Data Review and Analysis

Annual Trend Analysis: This standard requires that "At least once per year, the program conducts a review of the data in the complaint log or database and the foodborne illness and food-related injury investigations to identify trends and possible contributing factors that are most likely to cause foodborne illness or food-related injury."

  • Compliance: We can provide annual reviews of complaint data, and we can identify and visualize trends, insights, and contributing factors that lead to foodborne illnesses and outbreaks.

4. Standard 5, Section 7b - Data Review and Analysis

Preventive Focus: This standard specifies that "The review is conducted with prevention in mind and focuses on, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, Suspect Foodborne Outbreaks* and Confirmed Foodborne Disease Outbreaks* in a single establishment;*

  2. Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, Suspect Foodborne Outbreaks* and Confirmed Disease Outbreaks* in the same establishment type;*

  3. Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, Suspect Foodborne Outbreaks* and Confirmed Foodborne Disease Outbreaks* implicating the same food;*

  4. Foodborne Disease outbreaks, Suspect Foodborne Outbreaks* and Confirmed Foodborne Disease Outbreaks* associated with similar food preparation processes;*

  5. Number of confirmed foodborne disease outbreaks;*

  6. Number of foodborne disease outbreaks and suspect foodborne disease outbreaks*;*

  7. Contributing factors most often identified;

  8. Number of complaints involving real and alleged threats of intentional food contamination; and

  9. Number of complaints involving the same agent and any complaints involving unusual agents when agents are identified.”

  • Compliance: We review and analyze complaint submissions to identify outbreak patterns by establishment type, implicated foods, and preparation processes. Our systems track the number and nature of complaints, aiding in the identification of trends and contributing factors most likely to cause foodborne illness or injury.

Annual Review and Trend Analysis

Using the data collected through the widget, your county can:

  • Identify Trends: Analyze data to identify patterns in foodborne illness reports.

  • Take Preventive Measures: Use insights from the data to implement preventive measures and reduce future outbreaks.

*View the FDA’s Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards here

**View the complete Standard 5 document here

Last updated