Global Applicability of Our Benchmarking System

While our primary benchmark index is based on U.S. brands, our food safety benchmarking system has broad international relevance and applicability. This section explains how our U.S.-centric data provides value for global food safety comparisons and improvements.

U.S. Dataset as a Global Standard

  1. Comprehensive Data: Our U.S. dataset is the most robust, providing a solid foundation for our benchmark index.

  2. Industry Leaders: Many global food service leaders operate in the U.S., making this benchmark relevant for international comparisons.

  3. High Standards: U.S. food safety standards are among the most stringent globally

International Data Collection and Reporting

  1. Multilingual Platform: We operate in 7 languages, facilitating data collection from diverse global markets.

  2. Wide Geographic Reach: We have received consumer reports from over 170 countries, providing insights into food safety incidents worldwide.

  3. Growing International Dataset: While our U.S. data is most comprehensive, our international data is continually expanding.

Relevance for Global Comparisons

  1. Universal Standards: Fundamental food safety principles are universal, making our U.S.-based benchmarks globally relevant.

  2. Achievable Targets: We believe the benchmarks derived from our U.S. index are valid and achievable goals for food businesses worldwide.

  3. Performance Comparison: International brands can use our system to compare their performance against global industry leaders.

Adaptability to International Markets

  1. Custom Comparisons: For brands operating internationally, we offer tailored comparisons that consider regional variations while leveraging our U.S. benchmark.

  2. Methodology Transferability: Our approach can be applied to any market with sufficient data, allowing for the creation of region-specific benchmarks if desired.

  3. Continuous Improvement: By comparing against our U.S. benchmark, international brands can identify areas for improvement and elevate their food safety practices.

Last updated